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Frequently asked questions

Coronavirus support for mortgage customers

If you've been affected by coronavirus (due to illness or self-isolation) and are worried about what this might mean for you financially, there are things we can do to help.

Please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can discuss your individual circumstances and find ways in which we can support you. The sooner you contact us, the more we can do.

It's also worth remembering you can bank from home or on-the-go with internet banking and our mobile app - move money, check your balance or even pay in a cheque with just a photo.

I'm worried about paying my mortgage

I'm worried about paying my mortgage. What options are available to me?

We appreciate that there is a lot of change at the moment and unfortunately your finances may have been impacted.

If you would like to speak to us, you can call us on 0800 141 2301. We're here from 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 1pm Saturday.

If you are worried about your finances or having payment difficulties, please click here to understand how would could help you.

I have already taken a six month payment holiday, can I request a further extension?

The maximum duration of a payment holiday under the Government scheme is six months.

We understand that this is an uncertain time and your finances may continue to be negatively impacted, you can find out about the other ways we can help here.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to us call 0800 141 2261. We're here from 8am - 7pm Monday to Friday and, 9am - 1pm Saturday.

I want to understand more about a mortgage payment holiday

Can I extend my payment holiday beyond three months?

If your mortgage payments have resumed following a payment holiday but you have not taken the maximum six months available, you can apply for an extension until 31st March 2021.

If your initial payment holiday ends after 31st March 2021, you can still apply for a three month extension (up to a maximum of six months) before your mortgage payments resume. No payment holiday period can exceed 31st July 2021.

What will happen to the interest on my mortgage during my payment holiday?

It’s important to remember that interest will continue to be charged during your payment holiday. At the end of your payment holiday we’ll recalculate your monthly payments – taking account of the interest added.

Our mortgage payment holiday calculator will show you how your monthly payments could change after your payment holiday ends.

By spreading the cost of your payment holiday over the remaining term of your mortgage, the amount you will pay over the life of your loan will be more than it would have been had you not taken the payment holiday. The total amount you will repay to us could be higher than the amount stated in your Offer of Loan.

I understand that interest will continue to be charged during my payment holiday, but I don’t want to spread the cost of this over the term of my mortgage. Are there any other options?

We will write to you at the end of your payment holiday period but in advance of your next payment due date. This letter will confirm your new balance and revised payment – taking account of the interest that has been added during your payment holiday. If you would like to discuss an alternative payment arrangement, the letter will explain how you can get in touch.

Will my payment holiday affect my credit rating?

Whilst we will ensure that the payment holiday does not negatively impact your credit file, lenders may take into account other information when making future lending decisions.

Will my mortgage term increase as a result of taking a payment holiday?

No, your mortgage term does not change as a result of taking a payment holiday.

What happens when my payment holiday has finished?

We will write to you towards the end of your payment holiday, at least two weeks before your next payment will be due. This letter will confirm your new balance and revised payment - taking account of interest that has been added during your payment holiday.

If you would like to understand the options available to you when your coronavirus payment holidays comes to an end, our separate online service.

I am currently in arrears, what will happen to my mortgage payment after my payment holiday ends?

If you are in arrears before the start of the payment holiday, we will write to you at the end of your payment holiday period but in advance of your next payment due date to discuss next steps. If we are unable to contact you, the letter will explain how you can get in touch.

I’m worried that I won’t be able to pay my mortgage when my Covid payment holiday ends, what should I do?

We understand that this is an uncertain time, and your finances may continue to be negatively impacted.

We will write to you towards the end of your Payment Holiday, at least two weeks before your next payment will be due. This letter will confirm your new balance and revised payment – taking account of the interest that has been added during your payment holiday. If you would like to discuss alternative options, the letter will explain how you can get in touch.

You can find out about the other ways we can help here.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to us call 0800 141 2261. We're here from 8am - 7pm Monday to Friday and, 9am - 1pm Saturday.

I have a question about a Product Transfer or Additional Borrowing

I still want to apply for additional borrowing. Is this something I can do?

Yes, once you are no longer experiencing financial difficulties and your payment holiday has ended. We have a range of products available to suit customer needs.

To apply for additional borrowing, please call 0800 0224 313 and we can chat through your individual circumstances.

I’ve already applied for additional borrowing. What happens if I request a payment holiday too?

Yes, once you are no longer experiencing financial difficulties and your payment holiday has ended. We have a range of products available to suit customer needs.

To apply for additional borrowing, please call 0800 0224 313 and we can chat through your individual circumstances.

I have applied for a new product deal, but I have also been granted a payment holiday. Is this okay?

This is fine. Depending on the timing of your two requests, the Offer of Loan for your new product deal may not take into account any interest that will be added during your payment holiday.

We will write to you with details for both transactions and any changes to your account and payments.

I am an existing customer planning to move home

I am thinking of moving home. Can you help me with my mortgage needs?

Yes, we’d be happy to discuss this further with you. Please call 0800 224 313 and we can chat through your individual circumstances. Check here for our opening hours.

If you require additional borrowing and have also applied for a payment holiday, we may need to pause your request to move home. We’ll be in touch if we need to do this. Once your payment holiday has ended, you can apply for additional borrowing and your application will follow our usual process and criteria.